Grey's Anatomy - Let me tell you, I learn so much from this show!!! It's mainly the drama I suppose. Dad and Stuart keep telling me that the medical part of the show isn't always right..? Hmm that's something to ponder.

Psych - This show is one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. I have tried to explain it to other people but unless you have seen it you just don't get it. Hilarious. Love Shawn and Gus. Shawn Spenstarr and TT Showbiz, extra T for extra talent.
Glee - It's funny, it's dramatic, and it has awesome music. What more do I need? Basically every song that comes on I say "Hey! Glee did a cover of this." I guess that might get a little old to those around me?

How I Met Your Mother - So funny. Almost as good as psych. Neil Patrick Harris is a fantastic actor.

One Tree Hill - Okay, this show I loved in the beginning and now it has kind of gone down hill. Sadly, I am committed. I can't not watch. It's still okay, it just has special meaning. Me, Emma, and Kakamoe used to watch this show ALL the time.. Good times on the waterfront. Not to mention that it's set and filmed in NORTH CAROLINA. Have to represent.

Okay, so what was the point? I have no idea. I mean this blog is mainly just a stress reliever and I am watching Grey's right now and thought about my other favorites. So the point was to entertain myself. Maybe the two other people that read this weren't too bored!
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