Monday, June 4, 2012

Three months!

Holy smokes!!!! It's been three months. These three months have been the craziest of my life! We had a baby, graduated, and moved all in the same three months (well actually, that was all in the same month..)

So baby update. Baby Spencer is doing great. All of us are learning new things about him every day. He still loves to snuggle when he sleeps and if he is awake, you better believe he is moving. His happiest place in the world is the swing.. See here:
Why, yes! He is a cute baby. This was taken at the Lake by Auntie Auburn
He has had a bit of colic, so we spend a lot of time at the swing. But overall, he is a wonderful baby and we love him so much! 

We also graduated from BYU-Idaho and moved away from our home away from home. It's bitter sweet leaving a place like Rexburg.
Rexburg is where I had my first apartment, where I lived on my own. It's where I met my best friends in the world!


It's also where why I met and dated my husband

Disclaimer: that is totally NOT Rexburg, but you get the point.

...It's where I lived after we first got married. Our first home together.
Tiny - but it worked.

It's where I lived while I was pregnant.

It's where I had my sweet baby boy.

                                                             It's where I got my education. 

It was my home away from home.

So as you can see, Idaho will always hold a special place in my heart. Is it where I want to live forever? No, but it sure  was a  good place to go to school and I will always be grateful for my time at BYU-Idaho.

Post about Spencer's blessing coming soon... (I hope).

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What I've learned

After lots of thought and prayers I have been pondering the few things that I have learned from my experiences thus far with becoming a parent.

I might not be at school learning right now, but that doesn't mean that I am not learning. 

I have learned that my son likes to sleep during burping.
I have learned that becoming a parent is a lot easier transition than I thought it would be.
I have learned that the man that I married has to be one of the best fathers I have ever seen. 
I have learned that (some) nurses are the best people in the world.
**Disclaimer- I technically already knew this, because my mother is one of the best people in the world.
I have learned that there is nothing like being there for your child. It's so hard to leave them- especially when you are sick. That's why my mommy is here. 
I have learned that the love for a child is most definitely unconditional. That child can spit up, scream, yell at me, and put me through whatever pain all he wants. I'll take it. 
I have learned that family is the most important thing in the world. My past, present, and future family. They are so supportive and you can always count on family. 
I have learned that strength will always come - Especially when you rely on the Lord. 
I have learned that I can function off a lot of pain and very little sleep! 

Another thanks to our family - in NC and here in Idaho!!!!! Stuart's family and my family has been calling and wishing that they were here.  

We are grateful to have our family here in Rexburg as well. Stuart's mom, my mom and dad, and Camber and family are all here. 

My poor mom had to deal with my whining and complaining post-surgery. I tell you what, that woman is patient! Thanks, Mommy. I love you and I hope you know that!

My Papa surprised us the morning of surgery by coming to the hospital. He wasn't supposed to come until the end of March for graduation, but he couldn't stay away from his baby having a baby :) Love you, Daddy 

My big sissy, Camber. She always has and always will do so much for me. She is letting us use so much baby stuff and is just so generous in everything that she does. She is always making sure that we are okay and have everything that we need. Love you, Camber and thank you for everything. I really don't know how to thank you, but I hope you know that we all really appreciate everything. The clothes (mine and Spencer), swing, bouncer, food, Diaper bag, and well there is so much to name! We are just very grateful. 

I know there is so much more to learn and to be grateful for. But that has just been weighing on my mind.

I can't even begin to say how grateful I am for Stuart and how amazing he has been.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, and I know that some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers (thank you, Alan Jackson).

So no, I haven't learned everything about labor, delivery, and motherhood. But I have learned a lot and am so grateful for the opportunity to continue to learn. 

A special thanks to all the thoughts and prayers headed our way. We couldn't be happier with our sweet baby boy. He is already our pride and joy and we can't wait to have him home.
**Pictures to come**

Friday, February 17, 2012

Larrrrrrge and in charge

Well, let's just say that large is an understatement.
As we speak (or I type and you read) I have a 4,119 gram child growing inside me.

Yes people, that means that my baby is ALREADY 9 pounds.

Doc said that everything looked good. They are definitely going to have to do a C-Section. 
So they are going to keep him in as long as possible to help his organs develop a little more. 

So NOWWWW the estimated D-day is 38-39 weeks. That's March 1-March 8. 

It's kind of hard to plan when the due date keeps changing. 
Sorry, Mama and family. It will be worth it though! 

Love you! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

Vampire baby

So this girl asked me what was going on with the baby 
I said "Well diabetic babies grow faster, yada, yada, yada..."
She responded: "Oh! So like Bella's baby in Twilight?"

Um, excuse me. Did you just compare my baby to a vampire baby?

We went to the doctor today for my 35 week appointment and another NST.
NST came back fine and he said that baby will most likely come (well be induced or C-section) at 38 weeks. 
That's March 1st. 

Stuart really wants him to be born on February 29. That's his niece's birthday too.. we'll see! 

Anyway the threshold for a c-section is 4000 grams or a little less than 9 pounds. Well if he is already like 6 pounds.. we are pretty much looking at a c-section..

They really want to keep him in there until 38 weeks, so now we just wait and see what happens! 

Mommy loves her little Vampire.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Big boy!

We went to the doctor this week and everything looked good! He's moving around and having a grand ol' time with his mommy.

So the Doc came in after the test and said "wow you are getting big!" 
(Thanks, Doc... Never get sick of hearing that)

Well I am a little over 34 weeks now. I asked about the size of the baby and he measured me and said that I was measuring the same size as a "normal woman" would measure at 39-40 weeks. 

Translation: My baby is big. 

I asked how much he thought he weighed and he did the usual doctor answer "Well there are a lot of factors that... blah blah blah"

Translation: I have no idea and I don't want to tell you wrong.

That's fine, I knew I was going to have a cute chubby baby.

So what does this all mean?! Well we have an appointment on Friday for another nonstress test. If all goes well then we wait another week for ANOTHER nonstress test and ultra sound (on Feb. 17). If he has continued growing like he is now, then we will do an amniocentesis (to check his lungs) and decide what to do from there. 

Doc said he was about 90-95% sure that it would have to be a C-Section and that it would be soon after the appointment on the 17th. So I will be close to 36-37 weeks. 

He's looking healthy though, which is good! Keep the prayers coming. We appreciate the love and support!

Friday, January 27, 2012

And we wait..

So we had another non stress test and baby is stress free ( I wish Mommy was too..) 

His heart rate looked awesome and they said everything was good so now we wait. 

I have an ultrasound and NST every week so we will keep you posted! 

Still looking at taking the baby from 37-38 weeks (Feb. 23 - March 1) 

Why yes, the 23rd IS my birthday. Boy you are already stealing my thunder! It's okay, you
 are worth it.

And that's life. People keep asking how I am going to have a baby in the middle of the semester. My answer - I have no idea. 

Just take it one week at a time, one day at a time, and sometimes one hour at a time! 

Can't wait! Keep the prayers coming. 

Friday, January 20, 2012


Welp, Ladies and Gents - 
Went to the doctor today. I am 32 weeks. As some of you might recall in the last post they said  that they would have to take him 36-38 weeks. 

Well I went in for a non stress test, which basically tests the babies heart and his reactions to movement - at least that's what I think it does. 

Doc said I have a stubborn baby! He wouldn't move! He kicked me the whole day before and then after they took the monitor off he kicked me forever! Dang boy. So they had to do a BPP or Biophysical profile. This tests his heart rate, fluids in the placenta, breathing, and movement in the limbs. 

Luckily, he kicked me the whole way through AND practiced his breathing! Good job, big boy! 

They didn't really see how big he was, they just eyeballed it and said that he looked fine for his age, just a tad bigger than normal. 

SOOOOOOOOO What does all this mean? Well not much, they couldn't tell too much. They said that it would be more like 37-38 weeks now so like February 23 (yes, that's MY birthday!!) - to March 1st, and a little later if he is doing really well. I wanted to narrow down the dates, but it didn't really work. 

Keep us in your prayers! 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Baby boy!

So while we were home we got some pictures taken from the one and only Patricia Howell!! She is the best and soooo talented! Thank you so much, Trica P!!

Well folks, we got an update last week from the doctor about baby Morgan.
Seems he may be coming a little earlier than we thought!

So because of my diabetes he is gaining weight pretty quickly. That's not necessarily the problem - the big problem is that the longer he stays inside his toxic mama the more likely he is to have damaged organs and all sorts of problems. 

What does this mean? 
Well, I'm glad you asked. 
That means that baby boy will be making an appearance sooner than we thought!

How soon?
Well I am 31 weeks and they said that they would take the baby between 36-38 weeks. 

Why yes, that means Between February 17 - March 1. 
His original due date was March 15th.. so yeah that's a lot sooner!!!! 

He's doing fine now, he's in the 87th percentile for weight and his heart beat was great. 
So now.. we wait. We see how things are going, and we pray.

All prayers are appreciated!