Friday, February 17, 2012

Larrrrrrge and in charge

Well, let's just say that large is an understatement.
As we speak (or I type and you read) I have a 4,119 gram child growing inside me.

Yes people, that means that my baby is ALREADY 9 pounds.

Doc said that everything looked good. They are definitely going to have to do a C-Section. 
So they are going to keep him in as long as possible to help his organs develop a little more. 

So NOWWWW the estimated D-day is 38-39 weeks. That's March 1-March 8. 

It's kind of hard to plan when the due date keeps changing. 
Sorry, Mama and family. It will be worth it though! 

Love you! 

1 comment:

  1. No worries! We are glad to work around baby schedule! We love you!
