Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Halloween at our house is always a little interesting. We have found that Spencer doesn't like many costumes.

The Problems -
I was looking for a costume for him to wear that didn't have a mask, hat, or basically anything on his neck/head. He also wouldn't be a fan of the material that most play costumes are made of, since it’s a different feel and material than most normal everyday clothes. So the best costume would be something to go over his clothes or something that he might wear every day (like cotton.. or ya know.. those other materials).

 I found a few things online that I could buy. Things like superman, doctor, and athlete were all safe bets. He was a basketball player last year and I was very tempted to let him wear a football jersey from Uncle Brenton and Aunt Katie this year and call it a day. I wanted him to try something new, go a little out of his comfort zone. But how far do we push the comfort zone? Ahh, yes, that is the question. 

I looked and looked, found a few things, and then saw the price. Yowza!! Spencer is only going to wear this costume for maybe 20 or 30 minutes? I did not want to pay 30 dollars for something he would hate, and never wear again after this 30 minute outing. After all, that’s a dollar a minute. Yeah, no thanks.


That’s when I asked my lovely sister, Camber. I knew she had some costumes from the past Halloweens with her 3 kids that maybe I could borrow. I gave her all the requests for the costume and she said she would look and Hip, Hip, Hooray! Camber SAVES THE DAY!!! She had a couple costumes that could fit over his every day clothes and wouldn't have to use anything on his head.
We went with the Dinosaur riding outfit seen here

We had to practice wearing the costume every day for about a week. I would help him put it on and wear it as long as he would allow it (which was about 10 minutes each time).

Halloween Night
He did SOOOOO well on Halloween night. He didn't mind the costume at all. He knew that we were going outside, so he didn't care. He didn't mind walking or holding our hands. He even said “treat” when we got up to the doors (Okay, it sounded more like tree… but close enough!). The only problem was when we knocked on the door, he said treat, got the candy, and then wanted to go in the house. He was super confused as to why we knocked on the door and left the house without going inside. But other than that, he rocked Halloween like a boss. Granted, we only went trick-or-treating at 2 houses. Hey, baby steps. 

Thanks, Aunt Camber for helping and finding a costume for the boy. Not to mention letting us steal it for a while. Oh, and keeping Mom (Cailey) calm while figuring out Halloween details (and always keeping me calm-ish). We love you!

So Spencer boo, thanks for a fun Halloween and letting me eat your candy since you wouldn't. Love you!

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